Thursday, May 21, 2009

Things around the house

This morning I was trying to keep a very tired Izzie awake until her nap time. She's taken to waking up at the ungodly hour of 6 am. Five hours till nap time. Five hours filled with an already sleepy, soon to be cranky little one shouting her displeasure. This has been difficult for both of us the last few days, but today it warmed up. So we headed outside.

I haven't been using our back yard very much. We have a "ghetto" fence. It's falling apart, being held up by sheer will, and has a huge gaping gap for cars to drive in. Not very safe for little ones. But it's where the sun shines in the morning.

So I improvised:
The lattice from our basement finally comes in handy

Align Center
The baby gate does it's job once again!

Fence being held up by "sheer will"
We didn't do that, that's from a previous owner, poor tree

We believe this was once the gate

Izzie and I played to our hearts content. Chalk drawing, dirt exploring, and some leaf cleaning. Izzie is a master sorter of leaves. Soon we'll be able to afford to have a new fence put in. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

F.Y.I. She didn't last till her nap time, but that's okay. I just ask that she remembers how tired she felt when I put her down...because that's how I freaking feel at 6 am!!!

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