Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: A New Game

Yup, that's her foot sticking out of the star.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: I miss New York

Happy to be in New York!

Passed out in Times Square on her Aunt

Loving the East Hampton Beach

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Rambling and Rolling April

This month has just flown by. First there was the "seeing off" of my mom who was going on her first overseas trip since she was....4 months? Something like that. Traveling back to the land of her birth (Scotland, Edinburgh to be exact) and the surrounding areas. We're expecting her back in a few short days.

Then there was our trip. A whirlwind Toronto (and surrounding areas) trip, and then a relaxing New York trip. That seems like it should be the other way around, but that's not how we roll.

While in Toronto, we had many friends and family to see. And only 4 days to do it all. I was able to see friends from high school and university. I was also able to see my brother, his girlfriend and my father and step-mother. And more importantly, everyone met Izzie. For the first time! It was too short, but still sweet.

(I'm working on getting Phil to agree to go again, but that hinges on what the pipe band is doing next year. Will we go to Scotland? Maybe, but they've been planning Scotland for as long as I've been with Phil. So we will see.)

Next we were off to New York. Staying with Phils' sister and husband in East Hampton. The land of celebrities, Dutch/English architecture and an over abundance of police. (Police were seriously everywhere. I was afraid to jaywalk.) The first day we were there it rained, which was perfect. We needed to relax from our previous trip. And then we were introduced to something Wha? Why don't we have this in Canada? Copywright laws? Seriously? That sounds pretty lame to me. Phil and I are now addicted to Dollhouse and have no way of watching it. What's that? I could get cable? Sure I could, but then I'd do nothing else. Just watch old episodes of Star Trek: TNG and abandon my child to her toy box. Nah, she'd watch it with me, and I'd teach her that Picard is a better captain that Kirk.

Whoa, I just geeked out there for a minute.....and we're back.

We arrived home safe and sound to find our house and kitties safe and sound......then it happened. The cold hit the house. First it took out Izzie, then me and then tried to take out Phil. (Phil was too manly for the cold though.) It hit so bad that Phil had to stay home from work one day so I could sleep. Oh honkers was it a bad one! But now it's finding it's way out of our house. Thank gracious.

So April, you are almost over. It's been pretty rollercoaster-ish. So you'd better make these last few days worth it. Go out on a high note April!

P.S. I've written this crap post a few times now, but it's just not working. Oh well, post it anyways!